A team dedicated
to developing tailored solutions

Farinart counts on a team of experts who specialize in large-scale baking processes and will work with you to develop customized grain-based solutions. 

With our deep understanding of grain processing and the impact on your applications, our experts can create solutions that respond to your unique conditions and needs. 

Our collaborative approach lets us be agile and flexible when developing early or new concepts for testing, from bench testing to factory trials.

Our Analysis Capacities

Farinart's R&D laboratory is equipped to assess the quality of all the ingredients that go into our customized solutions.

  • Falling Number Test

    We analyze the falling number to determine the state of germination, enzymatic activity and water absorption capacity of the grains.

  • Farinograph

    We assess the quality of bread flours to determine dough stability, kneading tolerance, hydration, and dough improver requirements for your applications.

  • Ash Content

    We determine the ash content of our specialty flours to determine the percentage of water-by-flour weight you need to use in your formulations.

  • Granulation

    We assess flour granulation to determine which is best suited to your applications.

  • Nutritional Profile

    We analyze the nutritional profile of your final formulation, adjusting the composition of our blends to obtain a finished product that can support your nutritional claims.

Ready to
create your
own blend?

Discuss your project
with our specialists.

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