Sun flawer

Sprouting and Malting for Added Value

We sprout grains to unlock their full potential and benefits. Sprouted and malted grains can be added to formulations to improve baking processes and to enhance flavor, texture and nutritional profile of baked goods.

  • Why Sprout Grains

    Germination or sprouting is the natural process of a grain just beginning to grow into a plant.

    For centuries, people would only eat grains after subjecting them to a natural process like soaking, sprouting and fermenting. This preparation was vital to increase digestibility and nutrient availability. Today, as people are becoming more conscious of the connection between their diets, their well-being and the environment, there is growing awareness of the nutritional value and health benefits of consuming sprouted grains.

    “When you think about the fact that an entire tree could grow from one nut or seed, you realize how powerful sprouted foods are…  by sprouting grains you’re unlocking that potential and getting the benefits from that lifeforce.” (Brian Kateman, Forbes, Oct. 2020)

  • Our Process

    We begin the sprouting and malting process by carefully selecting high quality grains.

    After soaking in fresh water, we provide optimal moisture, warmth and oxygen for the natural germination to take place. Then, as the grains begin to sprout, many natural biochemical reactions change their nutrient profile. Because our process is tightly controlled, we can measure changes to ensure consistency.

    The duration of sprouting varies depending on the grain and the intended use. The process is stopped once the desired qualities are attained, whether that be nutritional value, digestibility, or baking functionality.

    Finally, we dry the sprouted grains to preserve the beneficial changes during shelf life. As the grain dries, it is possible to adjust the temperature to allow the grain to develop color and flavor through the Maillard reaction. This additional drying step produces malted grains.

    has the capabilities to customize sprouting and malting conditions to meet taste, color and baking functionality requirements. Sprouting and malting conditions can be adjusted to achieve a product with the desired caramel flavor and color and enzymatic activity level (diastatic or non-diastatic malted grains).



  • Benefits

    The use of sprouted and malted grains in baking can positively influence dough development, crumb and crust structure and texture, as well as contribute to the sensory and nutritional profile of the finished baked good.

    Dough Development

    Compared to regular grains, sprouted and malted grains contain more damaged starch which increases the dough water absorption capacity (hydration level) and enhances yeast performance during fermentation. The starch in these grains has a higher degree of gelatinization which shortens baking time. Malted grain flour with a natural enzymatic activity (aka diastatic malt powder), when used at 0,05-0,15 bakers’ percent, improves dough extensibility and gluten network development, which in turn will ensure proper dough gas retention and a desirable loaf volume.

    Crumb and Crust Structure and Texture

    Compared to regular grains, sprouted and malted grains tend to be softer and easier to hydrate. They can therefore be used as an alternative to grain soaking. Due to their higher concentration of in reducing sugars (glucose and maltose, their use in baking can enhance crust development and coloration and therefore be used as an alternative to added sugar.

    Diastatic malt powder is used to improve crumb texture and reduce starch retrogradation to prolong freshness during storage.

    Sensory Profile

    Sprouted and malted grains have a higher content in reducing sugars (maltose and glucose) than regular grains. These naturally occurring sugars can contribute sweetness to baked goods. They also play a role in the development of a natural caramel taste and color and depending on the chosen grain, they can contribute unique flavor notes of subtle biscuit, mild honey, light cocoa, dried fruits, coffee and spice.

    Health & Nutrition

    Sprouted and malted grains are more nutritious than regular grains. They have more essential amino acids, more vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and B9, C and E, more beta-carotene, as well as more phenolic acids and flavonoids.

    In addition, the nutrients in sprouted and malted grains are more digestible and bioavailable. They contain fewer complex carbohydrates than regular grains, which facilitates digestion. They also have more bioavailable peptides and amino acids. They contain less phytates that normally have a negative impact on mineral bioavailability. Therefore, the minerals (phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, manganese and cupper) are more bioavailable for absorption in the gut.

    Sprouted grains are high in gamma-aminobutyric acid. This amino acid is known for its numerous health benefits, including antihypertensive, antidiabetic, neuroprotective, antidepressant, fatigue relieving, stress-reducing and sleep enhancing effects.

  • Our Sprouted and Malted Grains

    Our most popular sprouted grains include:

    • Barley
    • Buckwheat
    • Corn
    • Flaxseed
    • Khorasan (Kamut®)
    • Millet
    • Oats
    • Quinoa
    • Rye
    • Hard winter wheat

    Our most popular malted grains include:

    • Barley
    • Rye
    • Triticale
    • Wheat

    We can also sprout or malt other grains upon request.

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